8:30 – Reception of participants and accreditations
9:00 – Institutional opening and welcome. Inaugural table with institutional representation
10:00 – Inaugural Music Therapy Research lecture, by PhD. Jörg Farchner (UK) . Music therapy and neuroscience approaches. Idiographic and nomotethic aspects of therapeutic process.
11:00 – Coffee break
12:00 – Experiences of best practice I, socio-educational and community field
– Sonwriting as a creative and expressive process in a psychosocial centre. Ms. Ana Martín Carrillo.
– Music therapy as an improvement of global health in elderly people participating in active ageing programmes. Mr. Eliseo Bolea Meseguer.
– Musical neuropsychological intervention method SINUDI. Stimulation and development of attention and memory in neurotypical and neurodiverse subjects. PhD. Silvia Núñez Díaz.
13:00 – Best practice lecture , by Ms. Emilie Tromeur-Navaresi (France) . Music: an advantage or a defect of the addict? Music therapy in addictionology.
14:00 – Lunch break
15:30 – Round tables SOCIEMT interest groups: hospital music therapy, music therapy in geriatrics and music therapy in conservatories.
16:30- Best practice lecture, by Mr. Janis Rotskein (Latvia) . The regulation of Music Therapy in Latvia.A case of success.
17:30 – Coffee break
18:00 – Presentations of finalists for the SOCIEMT ‘PhD. Serafina Poch’ research award:
– MUSIC CARES. Songwriting Group Music Therapy Intervention Applied to Informal Caregivers of Elderly People with Dependency. PhD. Cand. Ms. Paula Pérez Núñez.
– Effectiveness of group music therapy as a complementary treatment to psychosocial intervention in the recovery of schizophrenia and other psychoses. PhD. Óscar Pérez-Aguado.
19:00 – Best practice experiences in the socio-health field
– Hospital Music Therapy: Clinical approach during Intrathecal Chemotherapy in the Oncopediatric ICU. Ms. Lucía Escolano Prats.
– Music Therapy and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Impact of a Group Approach on the Self-perception of Symptoms. Ms. Micaela Miguez and Ms. Morena López.
– Experiences of patients, relatives and sanitary professionals in sessions of Music Therapy in the adult intensive care unit. Ms. Verónica Saldaña Ortiz
20:00 – Scientific journal publication conference by NUBA Editorial Team
20:30 – Closing of the first day of the Symposium: Poster 1 award finalists. Concert.
21:45 – Symposium Dinner
1 The posters selected by the Scientific Committee for the Symposium are:
1. ‘Music therapy as a treatment for people affected by situations of vulnerability or traumatic experiences’. Authors: Ms. Anna Giménez Castells (music therapist) and PhD. Mr. Jordi A. Jauset Berrocal.
2. ‘Emotional and behavioural effects of neurological music therapy in people with mild-moderate dementia’. Author: Mr. Sergi Muñiz Fortuny (music therapist).
3. ‘Influence of group music therapy on the emotional state of adults with Borderline Personality Disorder’. Author: Mr. David Buedo Salas (music therapist).
4. ‘Evaluation of stress symptoms after a music therapy intervention guided by a music therapist. Pilot study in critically ill patients’. Authors: Ms. Analuz Bruvera (music therapist), Ms. María Magdalena Vilallonga (MD), Ms. Irene Dot (MD PhD), Ms. Cristina Climent (MD PhD), Ms. Gemma Gomaris – Vilaldach (MD), Ms. Purificación Pérez – Terán (MD PhD), Mr. Oscar J Pozo, Mr. Joan Ramón Masclans (MD PhD).